The Best Flash Hiders for your MSR



It has taken me a long time to truly understand the value of a flash hider when it comes to shooting modern sporting rifles like the AR-15. Since I am not finding myself in frontline combat, the thought of needing to hide the flash of my rifle hadn’t really weighed much on me until recently when I was able to get a hold of a night vision device. Contrary to its name the common A2 Birdcage flash hider doesn’t really do much to mitigate the flash you see when firing a rifle in low light or no light conditions and the problem is exacerbated when you are viewing the flash under a night vision device. Let’s take a look at the best flash hiders for your MSR and what makes them work for your style of shooting sports.

1. SilencerCo ASR Flash Hider/Suppressor Mount – Editor’s Pick

Versatility is a huge plus in my book when it comes to flash hiders and the SilencerCo ASR receives top marks for that, pushing it up to the editor’s pick slot. The ASR features a trident style flash hider design that is also compatible with the Specwar 5.56 and Harvester Big Bore/Omega ASR mounting system for suppressors. 

As an added bonus, the ASR features a patent-pending resonance suppression design that is supposed to eliminate the tuning-fork effect a lot of rifles have when they are shot. SilencerCo suppressors are some of the best in the business while also being some of the most affordable no-frills suppressors I’ve come into contact with. 

The SilencerCo ASR Flash Hider/Suppressor Mount is compatible with 1/2×28 threaded 5.56 rifles as well as 9mm and 7.62 calibers and comes in at a price of around $92.00 but is often on sale for about 10% off through most resellers.

Pros/Serves as both a Flash Hider and Suppressor Mount – virtually eliminates the “tuning-fork” sound that similar flash hiders have

Cons/Limited to SIlencerCo suppressors

Bottom Line/Great for an all-around workhorse rifle that will see a lot of suppressed and unsuppressed shooting

2. SOLGW AR-15 NOX Dead Air Sandman – Night Vision Pick

In my opinion, night vision goes hand in hand with suppressors and that is where the Sons of Liberty Gunworks Muzzle device comes in handy. Whether you’re going to shoot suppressed or unsuppressed, the muzzle device from SOLGW does a great job at dissipating the flash that comes out of your standard carbine length rifle. 

The aim of the Nox muzzle device is complete flash suppression and as a secondary characteristic, mitigation of muzzle rise. The Nox has gas ports at the 12 and 3-o’clock positions to aid in the suppression of muzzle rise and the device is available for both 300 blackout and 5.56 calibers. The SOLGW Nox Flash Hider and Dead Air Keymount muzzle device is available for $109.99. 

Pros/Can be used with Dead Air Suppressors

Cons/ Only compatible with Dead Air Suppressors

Bottom Line/A great option if you frequent between shooting suppressed and unsuppressed and want great flash mitigation

3. Noveske KX5 Pig Flash Hider

Keeping with the starting theme of NFA guns, The KX5 Pig is designed mostly around Short Barreled rifles but I’d assume that it works just as well on carbine or rifle length rifles as well. The KX5 Pig Flash Hider lives up to its name coming in at a hefty 4.5 oz making it a bit heavier than your standard A2 Birdcage. 

What the Pig does best is directing both the blast and the flash in the direction of fire. The Pig reduces the amount of felt concussion from the point of fire as well as making the flash nearly non-existent. The KX5 Pig is small enough in diameter to fit under some of the smaller handguards on the market as well, since I’m partial to having my rails just about as long as the entire length of the rifle I quite like this feature

As far as being designed around SBRs, the KX5 Pig is supposed to provide extra back pressure to aid in cycling shorter barrel length rifles. The Noveske KX5 Pig is available for $139.99 and is currently only available in 223/5.56 NATO calibers.

Pros/Diverts both Flash and Concussion forward of the firing position

Cons/Quite heavy compared to other options, also pricey

Bottom Line/This is a great all around piece that I think would work great for a carbine course where you’ve got neighbors to worry about

4. Faxon Streamline Flash Hider – Budget Pick

Faxon has been in the business of making high quality rifle barrels for as long as I can remember and it should come as no surprise that their very own flash hider is on this list. The Streamline is a unique flash hider in that it is only .620” in width at its widest and this means that it would allow you to pin and weld the flash hider to a 14.5” barrel to make it out to a safe 16” without having to acquire a tax stamp for an SBR.

Normally this might be a problem if you ever planned on swapping out gas blocks or barrel nuts as you piece out your build but since the flash hider is so low-profile, swapping these parts out is easy since they slip right over the barrel and flash hider together. The Streamline Flash Hider is only available for 5.56/.223 caliber and is available for just $59.99

Pros/Slim Profile allows for gas blocks and barrel nuts to be swapped out without removing the piece

Cons/Light on some of the features that other flash hiders have on this list

Bottom Line/A relatively inexpensive option for solid flash suppression and a unique look

5. Surefire WarComp

The SureFire WarComp flash hider, is one of the most popular and most shootable flash hiders on the market. Its patent-pending design provides three valuable functions:

It provides over 99% reduction in muzzle flash compared to a plain muzzle, which helps to conceal the shooter’s location and preserve his dark-adapted vision which is paramount for users of night vision or people shooting in low light conditions.

In addition, It virtually eliminates muzzle rise, which enhances monitoring of target reaction and staying on target for faster follow-up shots in either a defensive, offensive or competition setting. The WarComp has been a favorite of many shooters since its release and it is also extensively used within the ranks of the special operations community.

The Surefire WarComp is available for multiple calibers including 7.62mm and 5.56 and is available for under $150.

Pros/Acts as both a brake and a flash hider and serves as a mounting adapter for surefire SOCOM series Fast-Attach Suppressors

Cons/Limited to one type of suppressor selection

Bottom Line/A US Special Operations Command tested piece that is top tech

What a flash hider really does

Simply Put, a flash hider suppresses the apparent visible flash created by the firearm as it is discharged. The flash is generated mostly by any unburnt powder that makes it towards the end of the barrel as the bullet leaves the barrel.

For the most part, a flash hider really isn’t “hiding” the flash per say. It is more of a redirect, helping you retain full vision by not having the flash be directly in your line of sight.

The legality of a flash hider

Generally speaking, flash hiders are not illegal to own in most states. In some states such as Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and California, flash hiders are legal depending on the configuration and other features present on the rifle.

Remember, it is up to you and you alone, to be responsible for knowing the legalities in your area, and wherever you may travel to. The last thing you need is to be on the wrong side of a firearms law.

Flash hiders and accuracy

Depending on your definition of accuracy, adding a flash hider or any sort of muzzle device can introduce a point of impact shift or increase your group size. In my opinion, most MSRs already feature flash hiders and the benefit of having a flash hider far outweighs any effect on accuracy the flash hider would have. The most accurate barrel is always going to be unfettered, but a properly crowned barrel.

Does a flash hider affect your accuracy?

When you break it all down, no, a flash hider really has no affect on your accuracy, as long as it doesn’t directly contact the bullet.

Will a flash hider help reduce recoil?

It may help with a small reduction in recoil, depending on what type of flash hider you use. Some allow the release of gas from the barrel to divert, which can reduce felt recoil.

Does a flash hider make more noise?

Again, depending n the model you choose, a flash hider can increase the decibel levels to the side when you’re shooting, making it louder to the guys standing on the line with you. Of course, you can always attach a suppressor to reduce the decibel level to tolerable amounts.

About the Author

• TFB Writer
• Concealed Carry Enthusiast
• Certified Pilot
• Avid Outdoorsman
• Steel Challenge Shooting Association Competitor
• Avid Reloader
• Can Currently pass himself off as the second-cousin twice removed of Dean Cain

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