Today’s Bargains: 4 Sweet Outerwear Steals


Great outdoor gear at an amazing price: That’s our goal each week. Check out the bargains below and save on gear for your next adventure.

Filson Swiftwater Rain Jacket — Men’s: $125 (35% Off)

filson swiftwater rain coat

Filson outerwear on sale? Yes, please. Designed to be the lightweight waterproof layer that you always keep in your backpack, this jacket weighs an advertised 13.4 ounces. Made out of 2.5-layer laminated fabric, it also features a drawcord adjustable hood, adjustable cuffs, and waterproof zippered pockets.

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Mountain Hardwear Kor Cirrus Hybrid Jacket — Women’s: $130 (35% Off)

mountain hardwear kor cirrus jacket

Made from Pertex synthetic insulation and Pertex stretch fabric, this jacket breathes well while still maintaining stretch. The fabric sheds light rain, but you’ll need to add a shell to be fully waterproof. Low profile and easily layer-able, this jacket packs down into the right hand pocket for storage.

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Outdoor Research Ferrosi Hooded Jacket — Men’s: $83 (35% Off)

outdoor research ferrosi hoody

A softshell jacket works well for those days when you need a light layer for wind or weather on the move. The Ferrosi’s breathable, stretchy fabric moves well for climbing or skiing. The fabric is water- and wind-resistant, and it includes reinforcements on the shoulders and lower arms.

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Orvis Hatch Rain Jacket — Women’s: $69 (50% Off)

orvis hatch rain jacket

This 2.5-layer nylon jacket combines waterproofing and breathability. According to reviewers, the jacket avoids clamminess even while hiking in the rain. The lightweight design makes it easy to pack and bring along.

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