First 3 Camping Knots to Learn (for Beginners)

There are tons of knots, and frankly, you don’t need to know them all. In this video we cut straight to the point so that you can learn the FIRST 3 knots that you should know as a beginner for camping, the outdoors, or just for every-day use.

If you’d like to also watch step-by-step tutorials for how to tie the knots featured in this video, we have that on our channel as well. Check out the below videos:

1. How to Tie a Bowline:
2. How to Tie a Square Knot:
3. How to Tie a Taut-line Hitch:

These knots are so useful that they will probably cover the majority of the knot-tying applications you need, without requiring you to learn a dozen other knots.

I (Jon – the guy in the video) originally learned these knots years ago in Boy Scouts (I’m an Eagle Scout), and I’m excited to be able to share them with you. I love knot tying and outdoor skills, and so I also made a playlist of other knot tutorials on my channel. We’ll also be covering outdoor skills like campfire cooking, orienteering, and more.

If any of that strikes your fancy, then I invite you to subscribe to our channel. We’re planning to post 1-2 new videos every week, and ultimately, I hope for this channel to become THE go-to resource on YouTube for learning practical outdoor skills.

I also intend to reply (or react) to every comment on the channel. So say hi! I’d be glad to meet you. And feel free to also suggest ideas for future videos. We’re planning as we go so I’d be glad to hear it!

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