Savage Saturday: Savage Migration Series #1



Savage Saturday: Savage Migration Series #1

Here on OutdoorHub, we’ll be taking a closer look at the longtime American Firearms brand Savage on each Saturday.  This week, we will open with Savage’s excellent new “Migration” series.  Per Savage:

This video series follows four avid hunters as they seek out waterfowl across the country. Savage Migration showcases the unique challenges each hunter faces and how they adapt to new landscapes, set ups, and weather.

“Waterfowlers are a unique breed of hunter,” said Savage Arms Marketing Director Beth Shimanski. “They devote countless hours to preparation for the season and even more time on their hunts. Savage’s new series explores the devotion required to track migrations and the lengths waterfowlers will go to as they scout for birds. Savage Migration shows how in-tune bird hunters can be with the rhythms of nature.”

Savage’s relatively new Reneguage line of shotguns isn’t just for the birds, however.  They also offer the “Reneguage Security”, which is a 6+1 capacity 18″ barrel defensive shotgun with oversized controls and ghost ring sights.

reneguage security
image credit: Savage

For more information, visit Savage.

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