Savage Saturday: Savage Migration Series #2



Here on OutdoorHub, we’ll be taking a closer look at the longtime American Firearms brand Savage on each Saturday.  This week, we continue with Savage’s excellent new “Migration” series.  This time, Savage has an interesting look at duck hunting over a hole in the ice.  This is true to the water conditions a lot of waterfowl hunters located in northern tier states will have during the migration.  Hunting over/on the ice requires different safety considerations, decoy setups, calling, and camouflage.  Per Savage:

In his home state of Utah, Casey Smith hunts a frozen marsh and targets a hole in the ice. In the thick of winter, late season birds keep the water moving and the ice at bay as they feed. Hiding in white suits on the ice among silhouette decoys, Casey and his mentor Tony wait for the ducks to fly in.

Speaking of ice:

Savage 110 Precision

A cool new chambering for Savage’s 110 Precision came out this week.  Luke C. Has the Details over at The Firearm Blog.  For a closer look at the 110 Precision, check out Ben’s in-depth review here.

Thanks for reading, and have a great Saturday!

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