50% Off Backcountry, prAna, and More Bargains


Great outdoor gear at an amazing price: That’s our goal each week. Check out the bargains below and save on gear for your next adventure.

Backcountry Mad Creek Shell — Women’sMen’s: From $55 (Up to 50% Off)

backcountry mad river shell

High-output activities like running or biking often need a light outer layer to keep the wind off but not keep you too warm. This shell (new last year!) packs down super small in a pocket to pull out when you need it most. The fabric is treated with a durable water-resistant coating and should be breathable.

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Duluth Trading Co Corduroy Stretch Long Shirt — Women’s: $30 (57% Off)

duluth trading co courderoy shirt

Duluth designed this shirt to be soft and flexible so it moves with you instead of feeling stiff. It takes the comfort of corduroy and adds practicality with underarm gussets and other features. Limited sizes are available.

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Chaco Radlands Day Pack: $41 (49% Off)

chaco radlands daypack

This backpack balances style and functionality with a fun, strappy look reminiscent of Chaco’s classic sandals. With 23 L of space, it’s plenty for an everyday pack or even a short trip. A laptop pocket, exterior zip pockets, and adjustable exterior straps allow you to organize and fit everything you need.

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prAna Briann Pants — Women’s: From $50 (Up to 44% Off)

prana briann pants

These pants take prAna’s popular water-resistant, quick-dry Stretch Zion fabric and put it into a slim-cut style. These pants could just as easily spend a week in the backcountry as they could head to the office.

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Two people crossing a river with HMG Packs
Rare Deal: 20% Off During Hyperlite Mountain Gear Sale

Hyperlite Mountain Gear just does ultralight right. With gear made with the wünder material Dyneema, this is an extremely rare sale from one of the top brands in the game. Read more…

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