Outdoor Gear Deals on Mountain Hardwear, Eddie Bauer, icebreaker, and More


This week, find great deals on icebreaker, Pearl Izumi, Eddie Bauer, and more.

icebreaker Merino 200 Zone Seamless Thermal Leggings — Men’sWomen’s: $98 (25% Off)

icebreaker merino 200 zone seamless thermal leggings

Try these base layers for any winter outdoor activity to keep you warm and dry while you sweat. Merino wool naturally reduces odors, and the gusseted crotch helps with mobility.

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United By Blue Recycled Sherpa-Lined Responsible Flannel — Men’s: $80 (46% Off)

united by blue sherpa flannel jacket

The ultimate cool-weather staple, this shacket uses a sherpa fleece lining for cozy layering all season. Plus, organic cotton and recycled polyester add a long-lasting, sustainable touch.

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Mountain Hardwear Rhea Ridge/2 Pullover: $135 (40% Off)

mountain hardwear rhea ridge pullover

Just like your favorite hoodie, this 600-fill down pullover brings all the warmth. The half-zip vents heat if you start to get too warm while the zippered pass-through pocket is super cozy.

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Eddie Bauer Packable Synthetic Throw: $40 (55% Off)

eddie bauer packible throw

Take this lightweight blanket on your next adventure packed into its very own storage sack. Synthetic insulation and a smooth exterior make it easy to use in damp or dirty conditions.

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Under Armour UA Storm SweaterFleece 1/4 Zip — Men’s: $30 (54% Off)

UA storm sweater fleece

Under Armour designed this sweatshirt to do it all. The brand’s Storm treatment repels water while remaining breathable. The brushed interior of the fleece is cozy while the smooth exterior adds durability and a classy look.

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Pearl Izumi Escape Quest Short — Women’sMen’s: $38 (25% Off)

pearl izumi escape quest shorts

This is a good budget option for a first padded bike short. The Escape Quest shorts feature compression fabric with moisture transfer to keep you drier. Silicone leg grips hold the shorts in place on the women’s shorts, and both include a chamois with edge-free cushioning for less chafing.

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prAna Alana Shorts — Women’s: $39 (40% Off)

prana alana shorts

A good pair of shorts is hard to find. They need to look good while still performing for all warm-weather activities. These shorts are stretchy, include sun protection, and a drawstring to adjust fit.

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Columbia Rugged Ridge II Hooded Sherpa Fleece Pullover — Men’s: $48 (49% Off)

columbia rugged ridge pullover

Great for winter hikes or nights around a campfire, this sherpa fleece pullover has a slide-through pocket and a half-zip to vent heat.

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More Sales Happening Now

Jack Wolfskin: Up to 40% Off

OtterBox: Up to 30% Off 

Toad&Co: Up to 40% Off Holiday Sale

Knockaround: Buy One, Get One Free

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