Review: Comfort Concealment Concealed Carry Blackout Belt



Review: Comfort Concealment Concealed Carry Blackout Belt

When I first saw the comfort concealment belt, I was skeptical. How could this skinny-looking thing really keep my firearm secure and concealed? It didn’t compute. 

When you are looking for a good concealed carry setup one of the biggest things to keep in mind is retention. Will this setup have enough retention to keep things secure and in place? Will the gun or the entire holster flop around or worse yet, completely fall out onto the floor if you bend over or get back up or whatever.

The next important aspect is trigger protection. Does your setup have proper trigger protection? Usually, the trigger protection comes from a hard holster like Kydex or something similar.

I saw a few of my friends sharing the Comfort Concealment Belt and decided to ask them if they truly felt it was a good option. They all came back with a resounding yes. They convinced me to give it a shot. At $35, I didn’t have a terrible lot to lose and I figure, if I really hated it, I could contact them and ask for a refund. 

When I first got it, my skepticism returned. How was this thing really going to work? It looked like a rolled-up sweatband. But when I opened it….I was still skeptical because it felt like I was holding…well I don’t know what it felt like, but it certainly didn’t seem like it was going to keep anything secure. Editor’s note: The Comfort Concealment Belt weighs a mere 3oz!

Per Comfort Concealment:

“The Comfort Concealment Belt was created out of frustration with uncomfortable belly bands and awkward, overpriced CCW clothing. We needed a solution to concealed carry in activewear that was safe, slim and versatile. We tried attaching our holsters directly to yoga pants and gym shorts, but as soon as we started moving, so did they. We wanted a belt that functioned like a belly band and didn’t require us to wear pants with belt loops.  After several prototypes and a few months of testing, the Comfort Concealment Belt was born and we had a winner!

Comfortable, breathable, durable, discrete, compatible with any clothing, and almost any holster configuration – we believe the Comfort Concealment Belt is the best option for concealed carry with activewear, scrubs, sweatpants, and any other type of clothing without belt loops. Once you try it you will also!”

I tried it on using my Equipped Armory holster that has the claw attachment and began wearing it around the house. 

I was eating my skepticism within minutes.

It’s voodoo. That’s all I can say. I couldn’t believe how secure it was.

I have been testing it for a couple of months now and from moving around to sitting, to playing with my kids, to laying down…it stays put!

I honestly don’t get how it works. I’ve tried to figure it out, but the people at Comfort Concealment have it figured out and that’s really all that matters. 

I’ve worn it in a variety of situations, from just carrying on regular errands to bike riding, and it’s stayed secure. I’ve jumped up and down with it, I’ve rolled around on the ground, I’ve done everything I can think of to make sure it stays put. And it does. 

I will say that while bike riding, I did notice an ever so slight movement upwards, but that was an issue on me, not the belt. I didn’t secure it on my body where I normally do, I had it a little higher than usual so it crept up. 

A couple of times the tail has also snuck out from under the belt, but that honestly doesn’t bother me. They do sell a tail tab to secure the extra length for an extra $2.50.

When you’re looking to get one, you want to make sure you’re measuring where you normally conceal, not your pants size. You need to break out the tape measurer and measure where you normally conceal it. This is extremely important so that you can get the absolute best fit. 

It’s the belt only, you use your existing holster which attaches to the belt as you would normally attach it to your pants or pants belt.

I wear the Comfort Concealment Blackout Belt several times a week, especially when I wear leggings and I couldn’t be happier with the fit, the strength, and how well it conceals with my existing holster.

I’m a fan for life and I know you will be, too! Check it out!

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