What I Eat In A Day CAMPING – Easy Camping Food Ideas

WHAT I EAT IN A DAY CAMPING – Check out these EASY camping food ideas!
This video will show you everything I eat on a car camping trip to the desert. It’s a FULL DAY of meals and some inspiration for your next camping adventure. Everything I ate in this video is simple to prepare and great for feeding a large group of hungry campers. Healthy camping meals have never been easier to cook!

▶︎ Get the Chicken Fajita Recipe here: https://amandaoutside.com/blog/chicken-fajitas-camp-dinner-recipe

▶︎ Download My Free Camp Cooking Starter Kit: https://go.amandaoutside.com/camp-cooking-starter-kit

☀️ R E L A T E D V I D E O S

“3 SUPER EASY Car Camping Dinner Ideas”:

“3 SUPER EASY Camping Breakfast Ideas”:

☀️C A R C A M P I N G + H I K I N G G E A R

My hat in the video: https://bit.ly/2Vp0AKn
Coleman Camp Stove: https://amzn.to/2VkkY2l
Coffee Mill: https://amzn.to/2Iryg3H
GSI Outdoors Collapsible Java Drip Coffee Maker: https://amzn.to/2MBoukU
Yeti Cooler: http://bit.ly/2FrS7ki
RX Nut butter packets for a quick hiking snack: https://amzn.to/2Y5HB7h
Re-usable Bags for holding hiking snacks: https://amzn.to/2LoDnpR
Hydroflask water bottle: http://bit.ly/2SQM9ME

☀️ F O L L O W A L O N G

Blog: https://amandaoutside.com
Instagram: http://instagram.com/amandaoutside
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/amandaoutside

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