Luke Cuenco 10.19.21 The combat or tactical knife is considered by many to be a relic of the past. Perhaps something to be used more as a tool rather than a weapon. However true that may be with the advent of modern firearms and sidearms, the knife can still be a handy defensive tool that also
As part of the local Kitsap Blog circle this Friday Favorites post is themed camping foods. I am providing a preview here in this video and you can visit www.inspirationclothesline.comFridayfavoritescampingfoods for more specific tips and recipes!
I head out for a bushcraft overnight camp in the winter, in this video, I show the gear that I chose to bring with me. The backpack is a Fjallraven friluft 55. Bushcraft Courses My website Facebook Instagram Twitter
Full blown winter is almost here, I need to move my seasoned hardwood close to the house, so I can access it much easier while heating the homestead with firewood and a woodstove. I give an update on my dog, Scout and his lymphoma. Special appearance by my wife, baby and a dirty old bluejay.
Home » News » Meet the Winners of the First Eddie Bauer ‘One Outside’ Film Grant This year, Eddie Bauer launched its new One Outside Film Grant, which provided $60,000 in grant funds to eight BIPOC filmmakers. Learn more about the films and when and where to watch them. A panel has selected eight grant
When it comes to taking photos of the night sky, we often find ourselves driving and hiking hours from any artificial light source, relying only on the stars and airglow in the atmosphere to light our entire frame. The conditions for astrophotography can prove to be very challenging to shoot in and push our gear
Jordan Estrada 10.12.21 How long can you subsist on beef jerky, granola bars, and trail mix before your body demands a real meal? Mountain House and Backpacker’s Pantry products are great, but what else could you use from a regular supermarket? It’s no secret that specialty foods marketed to the outdoor community have a high per-calorie
We toured the Bass Pro Pyramid and it exceeded all expectations! Quick history of the pyramid (Wikipedia) – The Memphis Pyramid, initially known as the Great American Pyramid, formerly referred to as the Pyramid Arena and locally referred to as The Pyramid, was originally built as a 20,142-seat arena located in downtown Memphis, in the
Join me on my vegan camping adventure and see what I eat in a day for a camping breakfast, lunch, and dinner! I’m joined by Raitis Stalazs, Kim Stalazs, Kinley, Dan, Chance and Ellie. We chow down on fresh fruit and oatmeal for breakfast, lentil sloppy joe’s for lunch, a delicious nearly zero-waste vegetable soup
Today Luke is setting up the Wildlands Outdoor Gear UL 2P Tent and as you know, the Setup process is very important when it comes to the purchasing of a tent; How easy or how complex will it be? Are there any issues? Find out now! … 100% Agenda Free : This channel is Agenda
How To Baton Any Size Of Wood ► Find your dealer for the APO-1S K.n.i.f.e here: ➜ APO-1S for USA/Canada: ➜ APO-1S for DE/Österreich/Schweiz: ➜ APO-1S for Europe: Thanks for your support! ~ #SurvivalLilly —————————————————————– ►My Camera equipment ◄ Gimbal: My camera: Tripod: Note: Survival Lilly will receive a
Home » Travel » The 7 Best National Parks to Visit With Dogs While a road trip to your favorite national park seems like the perfect opportunity to bring Fido, you may be surprised that most national parks aren’t incredibly dog-friendly. Here are the best ones that are. If you do your research ahead of
“There are few things that can match the overwhelming sense of wonder felt when you’re looking up at a sky full of stars,” says photographer Jack Fusco. “Keeping that strong sense of wonder is what makes me want to head in to the middle of nowhere in the dark, to climb across wet rocks and
Nicolas Lenze 10.15.21 Eyewear can serve so many different purposes in our lives. From helping us see street signs while driving to looking like Tom Cruise, glasses can make it easier to navigate life (and sometimes dating). Sunglasses can be especially helpful. I live in Colorado and we have more sunny days than not. On many
HELP SPREAD THE WORD! LIKE,SHARE,COMMENT,SUBSCRIBE! THANKS. Camping Food Ideas. This video gives an overview of different types of foods that can be used when camping. By pointing out some items that can be purchased at you local store instead of more expensive freeze dried type camping foods. In addition it also outlines what type of (get 5% off with the coupon: THRUNITE) Thrunite TH10: Thrunite Archer 1A V3: ► Find your dealer for the APO-1S K.n.i.f.e here: ➜ APO-1S for USA/Canada: ➜ APO-1S for DE/Österreich/Schweiz: ➜ APO-1S for Europe: Thanks for your support! ~ #SurvivalLilly —————————————————————– ►My Camera equipment ◄ Gimbal: My camera: