
Luke Cuenco   05.07.21 Slings are an often-misunderstood accessory by many shooters and probably for good reason – we aren’t used to carrying our rifles for long periods of time. Those in the military are properly trained to field such items and I personally had the opportunity to learn some great ways that a sling can go
Luke Cuenco   05.05.21 It has taken me a long time to truly understand the value of a flash hider when it comes to shooting modern sporting rifles like the AR-15. Since I am not finding myself in frontline combat, the thought of needing to hide the flash of my rifle hadn’t really weighed much on me
Trent Marsh   05.03.21 Aside from your weapon and your clothing, your hunting pack is probably the next most important piece of gear you can take on a hunt. Without it, it’s tough to get the rest of your gear into the woods, after all. Choosing a pack is a lot like choosing clothes. Just because a
Dandelions aren’t just weeds In today’s world, people want everything to be neat, tidy and uniform – including their yards. The grass, we’re told, should be one smooth, green carpet. But that’s easier said than done! Everyone knows that if you don’t pull them or spray them, “weeds” such as dandelions will be the first