이 영상은 제주6차산업으로부터 소정의 제작비를 지원받아 만들었습니다. This video is sponsored by Jeju agricultural and rural community sixth industry support center. 🏕 제주라는 큰 섬 안에 자리 잡은 깊고 울창한 숲. 섬을 지탱해주듯 단단해 보이는 숲은 나에게만 곁을 내어주는 것 같습니다. 제주의 숲이 건네는 위로에 내 마음을 잘 토닥여 보세요. 버겁던 일상을 내려놓고 오롯이 휴식
Rusty S.   12.11.21 Here on OutdoorHub, we’ll be taking a closer look at the longtime American Firearms brand Savage on each Saturday.  This week, we continue with Savage’s excellent new “Migration” series.  This time, Savage has an interesting look at duck hunting over a hole in the ice.  This is true to the water conditions a
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Our annual selection of the best photo gear for 2021 represents the innovations made in the art and technology of photography. Cameras are undeniably moving toward a mirrorless future, and 2021 advanced considerably to that end. Nearly all of the new gear introduced this year was for mirrorless systems. Here are our top picks of