10 bushcraft and wilderness survival tips in 10 minutes. The first 1,000 people to use this link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare: https://skl.sh/taoutdoors11201 Featuring Bushcraft skills, medicinal uses of fungi, traditional woodworking skills, and modern day survival skills that might just help you if you’re in trouble in the wilderness. Stay
Watch in 1080! Click “Show More” for a ton of info and links. This is the 5th video in a small series I am releasing. There will be a new video posted every Mon. and Wed. until the series is complete. Connect with me. Bushcraft Courses http://www.northgatebushcraft.com/ My website http://joerobinetbushcraft.com/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/joerobinetbushcraft Instagram https://instagram.com/joerobinetbushcraft/ Twitter
There are lots of numbers that come into play when it comes to photography: shutter speeds, f-stops, lens focal lengths, digital sensor multiplying factors and fill flash ratios are some of the obvious. One number that doesn’t often pop into photographers’ minds is the number of subjects in a photo. The importance behind this deals
Photo By Lori Hibbett Today’s Photo Of The Day is “Perseid Meteor Composite” by Lori Hibbett. Location: California. “We found a cool foreground to capture the meteor shower,” says Hibbett. “I believe an interesting foreground even at night makes the composition have so much more impact.” Want to get your images in the running for
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In this episode of BlacktipH, I go drone fishing for sharks from the beach with popular YouTuber Vlog Creations. We used a drone to find the sharks along the beach. After finding the sharks, we used the drone to deploy fresh bait into the ocean. Josh dropped the bait with the drone, and the sharks